(histoire de pas scrollpester ivre, pour lire vos vœux, s'ils venaient à être formulées ici).
Mes vœux dans le titre.
"Je te tiens... tu me tiens... on se tient... par la barbichette... le premier de nous tous qui zappera aura une chamelle nazale !!!"
It's a fuckin nav bar shitbird
31 déc. 2017
26 déc. 2017
2017 NFL Fantasy Football leagues
Non, ce n'est pas une erreur de blog, ce post est bien pour celui-ci. De toute façon je passe du français à l'anglais tout le temps, du grand n'importe quoi.
Ce fut une assez bonne année pour oim et comme d’hab j’aime bien faire des “recaps”, c’est aussi en attendant le CR Amsterdam qui bien sur arrivera cette semaine.
Au total j’ai participé dans 6 ligues, qui se renouvellent chaque année sauf une toute petite à $50, donc ca sera 5 ligues en 2018 probablement.
Les “petites” ligues
Elles sont toutes à $50 pour le buy-in, donc c’est plus pour le fun, même si c'était assez profitable cette année. Au total c’était un investissement de $150 pour un retour de $400.
Comedy Villains
Won the league = $320
C’est celle qui disparait l’année prochaine malheureusement. Mon Comedy Villain y a 5 ans c'était Bill Lumberg la gars de “Office” et ensuite je suis passé à Erlich Bachman ces 2 dernières années, le gars de “Silicon Valley”. Pas vraiment des “Villains” mais des gars bien golris.
Justice League
No playoffs but got the 2nd overall pick in the draft next year.
Je kiffe bien cette petite ligue dans laquelle je suis depuis 2010. Mon perso c’est The Hulk qui est bien approprié je pense. La dernière fois que j’ai gagné c’est 2014 et je le sens deja bien pour 2018 avec ce bon pick.
Guitar Gods
3rd place = $80
Une nouvelle dynastie que j’ai rejoins cette année. Mon Steven Van Zandt avec la super photo que vous m’avez montré (ci-dessous). En mode “dynastie” tu gardes la meme equipe chaque année. Franchement, je m’attendais pas du tt à gagner quoi que ce soit car c’est une equipe vachement jeune qui devrait etre mega bonne pour les annees a venir.
Les “bigger” ligues
Au total c'était un investissement de $525 pour un retour de $1000. Doubler sa mise c’est toujours buens.
Bada Bing dynasty ($125 buy-in)
No playoffs, no good draft pick
Une nouvelle dynastie que j’ai récupéré cette année. “Recupéré” car c’est une ligue dynastie d’un pote et parfois y a des gars qui se barrent et faut trouver un nouveau proprio. Bien sur, il se barre car son equipe c’est de la merde, donc la c’est un gros boulot de “rebuilding” pour Danny et oim. On a terminé 10ème sur 12 donc pas génial quand même.
Who let the Dogs out? ($150 buy-in)
3rd place = $350
Ma ligue que j’organise. La première que j’ai lancée depuis plus de 15 ans que je joue. Trop buens. Bien sur c’est sur le theme des ienchs donc mon équipe c’est Juno’s Juggernauts (ci dessous).
Bedlayers ($250 buy-in)
2nd place = $650
La ligue dans laquelle je suis depuis plus de 15 ans. Pendant 12 ans je manageais mon équipe avec Danny, mais maintenant je le fais avec Scotty depuis 2 ans et c'était bien cool de gagner de l’argent cette année avec lui. Ona gagné plein de fois avec Danny bien sur.
Voila le recap des 6 ligues, donc au total c’est un investissement de $675 pour un retour de $1400, pas mal du tout.
En bonus, je partage avec vous le recap que j’ai envoyé à tous les gars dans la ligue que j’organise.
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and ready to finish of the year and start a fresh one. I really want to thank everyone for making year 1 of my first fantasy football league a success. I loved it and really look forward to next year. I’ll send a separate email regarding rule changes for next year. One of them is having the waivers which will run later on that Wednesday every week, more similar to other leagues. I’ll share some other suggestions as well.
2017 Payouts
1st: $750 - Notorious DOG
2nd: $400 - Booty Dogs
3rd: $250 - Juno’s Juggernauts
4th: $150 - British Bullies
Total points $100 - Juno’s Juggernauts
Division winners $75
British Bullies
Notorious DOG
So the grand totals are:
Notorious DOG: $825
Booty Dogs: $400
Juno’s Juggernauts: $350
British Bullies: $225
I’ll be sending the money to you guys very shortly.
For the offseason, here’s a recap of the “Keeper rules” that are on the website followed by a team-by-team review:
Keeper Rules
Each year, selected keeper picks will start with the Superbowl winner and work backwards to the last place team, so the Last Place team will have the benefit of seeing everything that has happened before him and decide what he will do accordingly.
You can keep any player on your roster but it will cost you a draft pick two rounds higher than the original draft round of that player. You can keep up to 3 players, but it is not mandatory to keep anybody on your roster and there will be no limit to the amount of years you can keep someone on your team because eventually the player will not be able to be retained since he will no longer have a round after he becomes a 1st or 2nd round keeper. Since two rounds higher than a number 1 or 2 pick does not exist, in order to keep a #1 or #2 pick it will “cost” both 1st & 2nd round picks for a round 1 guy and “cost” both 2nd & 3rd round picks for a number 2 pick and also generate a round of “0” for that player (e.g. he will return to the free agent pool the following year). After all the keepers are selected all the remaining players return to the free agent pool.
The round of the player to be kept will be the original round in which the player was drafted in the previous year. If you acquire a player, either through trade or through the waiver wire, and he was drafted the previous year, his round will be determined by the prior year draft, regardless of whether or not your team originally drafted the player. Any player not drafted in the prior year will receive a draft slot of 16.
You will only be allowed to retain a player if you have that draft slot available (e.g. If you decide to keep a number 1 pick and give up your 1st and 2nd round selections, you cannot also keep a number 2 pick as you cannot give away your second round selection twice). However, one exception will apply: You will be able to use a draft slot to keep a player that is higher than the result of adding the 2 rounds. For example, if you have a keeper that was drafted in the 5th round last year and another player on your team that you traded for with the same round, you can keep both players by giving up both a 2nd and 3rd round pick. Basically you are keeping one player by adding 2 rounds and the other by adding 3. As long as you give up a spot HIGHER than the original spot you will be able to keep multiple players with the same draft value, up to a maximum of 3 players. The round determination will be decided by the order in which you select your keepers. For example, if you select Player A with your first keeper and Player 2 with your second slot and both players have a round value of 5, Player A will be kept with a 3rd round pick and Player B will be kept with the 2nd round pick.
You will be allowed to incorporate the trading of draft picks as well as players into any deal. However, if you trade away a 1st round selection to any team, you will have to pre-pay $150 before the trade will be executed (You only pre-pay if you are the team GIVING UP a draft pick). If you trade away any other pick (slots 2 – 16) you will have to pre-pay $50 before the trade will be executed. There will be a maximum prepayment of $350 and you will not be allowed to trade away more selections after this total has been reached. This is to ensure that a player returns the following year if he decides to trade away a bunch of draft picks and he will only lose the money if he decides to not return to the league as this money will be used to attract another player to fill the vacant spot. If the player returns the next year, the pre-payment will be applied to the current year entrance fee.
As you know, I like writing articles on my blog about sports and have been doing it for more than 5 years. I’m going to write a little season recap and a quick look at each franchise and their potential respective keepers.
Year 1 Review - Team by team
Juno’s Juggernauts
It’s always easier to start with your own team. This team was very solid all year since it won the “total points” ranking at the end of the season. Slightly disappointed to lose in the semis by 6 pts against the future Super Bowl champ DOG. Not too shabby in the end to get a 3rd place finish and most points. I obviously keep my dog updated of her scores every week when I was watching the games.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
ABrown 324 pts
KHunt 295 pts
AThielen 241 pts
ZErtz 204 pts
DBryant 187 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
Hunt will be an expensive keeper (2nd round) but could easily be worth the price
Thielen as a 7th rounder looks good
Woods as a 14th rounder looks good
Smith-Schuster as a 14th rounder looks like he could be a gem
Ertz as a 7th rounder looks decent
That’s 5 good keepers and you can only keep 3, so if anybody needs keepers i’ll be open to trade for sure.
The Rod Pack
Great year overall, but tough playoffs and no payout. That loss in the first round (week 14) was devastating because it took the Rod Pack out of any money prize, depite being 4th in total scoring throughout the season. After scoring over 200 pts in week 12 and over 135 in week 13, it was looking good for the Rod Pack but he had a dud in week 14, which is always deadly unless you have a bye.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
CMcCaffrey 222 pts
MJones 217 pts
RAnderson 205 pts
EElliott 190 pts
DFunchess 182 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CJ Anderson as a 3rd rounder is a little risky, but he had some great games down the stretch scoring 28 pts in week 16
PBarber as a 14th rounder could be good value if he’s the starter next year
JMixon as a 2nd is a little expensive but he could really blow up next year
RAnderson as an 11th rounder looks good
DFunchess as a 15th rounder looks good
MJones as an 8th rounder looks good
That’s a lot of potential keepers so if you need one, the Rod Pack might be a good trade partner.
The Booty Dogs
Pretty good payout for a team that was just “above average” throughout the year. They really came through when it counted. The team finished 6th in total points but 2nd overall, not bad.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
JJones 247 pts
TKelce 238 pts
CHyde 214 pts
JHoward 206 pts
NAgholor 195 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
MMack as a 10th rounder will be good if Gore retires
NAgholor as a 14th rounder looks good
SShepard as an 8th rounder looks good
EEngram as a 9th rounder looks good
Edelman as a 12th rounder looks good
Sweet Annie
Incredibly consistent and very surprising he wasn’t part of the payouts. Highest weekly scoring team 3 times and 3rd overall in total points. The team scored over 140 pts in 7 out of 16 weeks, which is pretty impressive.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
TGurley 397 pts
MGordon 274 pts
KAleen 258 pts
AJeffrey 196 pts
SDiggs 187 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CWentz as a 12th rounder
KDrake as a 14th rounder
Gurley as a 2nd + a 3rd rounder might be worth it if he delivers another fantasy MVP season
JWilliams as a 7th rounder if he’s the starter in Green Bay
SDiggs as a 3rd rounder is pretty decent
Eifert as a 6th rounder could be good
And many more … this team has a plethora of potential keepers.
Siberian Huskies
Tough year for the huskies. Started our pretty well but had a rough time as of week 7. Let’s just say the loss of David Johnson early in the season was pretty devastating.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LFournette 216 pts
CKupp 183 pts
RCobb 145 pts
KBenjamin 133 pts
HHenry 127 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
Fournette as a 1st rounder
CKupp as an 11th rounder
HHenry as a 6th rounder
TKroft as a 14th rounder
Doberman Dog Pound
Those low scores in weeks 10 and 13 were deadly for the dobermans, just barely missing the playoffs. There is a nice silver lining because the keepers are gems and he got an extra 4th round pick next year at the trade deadline.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
AKamara 294 pts
MThomas 243 pts
MEvans 195 pts
MCrabtree 172 pts
JCrowder 164 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
AKamara as a 9th rounder is an absolute gem of a keeper that doberman will be able to keep for many years to come
KCole as a 14th rounder certainly has looked electrifying the past few weeks
CColeman as an 8th rounder looked promising
JAllen and AEkeler because why not, they’re 14th rounders and could breakout next year
Notorious DOG
The league winner! He started maybe a little slowly the first 5 weeks, but then blew up with consistency. It’s a little crazy to see that he was never the highest scorer in a given week, but his consistent high scores led him to the championship. Congrats!
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LMcCoy 262 pts
RGronkowski 231 pts
DBaldwin 205 pts
GTate 205 pts
DJohnson 201 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
DJohnson as an 8th rounder
RMathews as a 7th rounder
RWilson as a 5th rounder
British Bullies
Had Deshaun Watson not gone down the British Bullies could’ve won this. He finished 2nd in total points and was the highest scoring team in 5 different weeks (more than any other team). Luckily he also had Brady that carried him to the playoffs. It ended up being an all-bulldog 3rd place game between Juno the Frenchie and Brisket the Brit. Overall, it was still a good season for Brisket.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LBell 348 pts
DHopkins 315 pts
JLandry 243 pts
JMcKinnon 182 pts
JKearse 173 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
TColeman as a 5th rounder
ACollins as a 14th rounder
MGoodwin as a 14th rounder
DHopkins as a 1st rounder
DWatson as a 14th rounder
DWestbrook as a 14th rounder
Itty Bitty Pitties
A rough year for the Pitties, but he’s done the most to give himself the best opportunities for next year thanks to trading and potential keepers. He got two extra 3rd rounders for next year’s draft and a plethora of keepers.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
Most of them were traded away and the superstar of the team was definitely a QB in Cam Newton scoring 324 pts.
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
JGaroppolo as a 14th rounder
MDavis as a 14th rounder could be the starter for the Seahawks next season
DLewis as a 14th looks like a gem
WFuller as a 14th rounder is very solid
JGordon as a 15th rounder could be a gem
KStills as a 12th could be decent
CBrate as a 10th could be decent
Purple Bishops
Too much inconsistency by the Bishops explains why they had the low weekly score in 3 seperate weeks this season. He still managed to finish 7th in total points thanks to some explosive scores in weeks 3 and 11.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
THill 260 pts
LFitzgerald 250 pts
BCooks 216 pts
DWalker 176 pts
TGinn 165 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CKeenum as a 14th rounder
RBurkhead as a 6th rounder
TCohen as a 15th rounder
CThompson as a 13th rounder
LFitzgerald as a 3rd rounder
TGinn as a 10th rounder
Pawsitive Dawg
It was a tough year for Pawsitive only cracking the 120-point mark once during the season. When a team has a season like this I do recommend to trade top players at the deadline for future picks next year. Some pretty good keepers for next year though.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
MIngram 283 pts
LMiller 190 pts
THilton 185 pts
MSanu 162 pts
BPowell 149 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
MIngram as a 4th rounder
BPowell as a 5th rounder
MSanu as a 14th rounder
OHoward as a 9th rounder
Anabolic Boxers
A very rough start to the season hurt too much to make the playoffs, but had a stretch weeks 10 through 14 that was pretty good. Also, the extra 4th round pick he got at the deadline will help for next season.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
AGreen 235 pts
DAdams 228 pts
DMurray 175 pts
MLynch 154 pts
SWatkins 150 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
DBooker as a 14th rounder if he’s the starter for the Broncos next year
DCook as a 1st rounder because he showed he’s elite
DAdams as a 2nd who could easily be rodgers top target next season
JDoctson as a 13th rounder showed promise
EEbron as an 8th rounder
Happy New Year’s Eve party to all of you enjoy the upcoming NFL playoffs!!
See you next season and GO PATS!
Ce fut une assez bonne année pour oim et comme d’hab j’aime bien faire des “recaps”, c’est aussi en attendant le CR Amsterdam qui bien sur arrivera cette semaine.
Au total j’ai participé dans 6 ligues, qui se renouvellent chaque année sauf une toute petite à $50, donc ca sera 5 ligues en 2018 probablement.
Les “petites” ligues
Elles sont toutes à $50 pour le buy-in, donc c’est plus pour le fun, même si c'était assez profitable cette année. Au total c’était un investissement de $150 pour un retour de $400.
Comedy Villains
Won the league = $320
C’est celle qui disparait l’année prochaine malheureusement. Mon Comedy Villain y a 5 ans c'était Bill Lumberg la gars de “Office” et ensuite je suis passé à Erlich Bachman ces 2 dernières années, le gars de “Silicon Valley”. Pas vraiment des “Villains” mais des gars bien golris.
Justice League
No playoffs but got the 2nd overall pick in the draft next year.
Je kiffe bien cette petite ligue dans laquelle je suis depuis 2010. Mon perso c’est The Hulk qui est bien approprié je pense. La dernière fois que j’ai gagné c’est 2014 et je le sens deja bien pour 2018 avec ce bon pick.
Guitar Gods
3rd place = $80
Une nouvelle dynastie que j’ai rejoins cette année. Mon Steven Van Zandt avec la super photo que vous m’avez montré (ci-dessous). En mode “dynastie” tu gardes la meme equipe chaque année. Franchement, je m’attendais pas du tt à gagner quoi que ce soit car c’est une equipe vachement jeune qui devrait etre mega bonne pour les annees a venir.
Les “bigger” ligues
Au total c'était un investissement de $525 pour un retour de $1000. Doubler sa mise c’est toujours buens.
Bada Bing dynasty ($125 buy-in)
No playoffs, no good draft pick
Une nouvelle dynastie que j’ai récupéré cette année. “Recupéré” car c’est une ligue dynastie d’un pote et parfois y a des gars qui se barrent et faut trouver un nouveau proprio. Bien sur, il se barre car son equipe c’est de la merde, donc la c’est un gros boulot de “rebuilding” pour Danny et oim. On a terminé 10ème sur 12 donc pas génial quand même.
Who let the Dogs out? ($150 buy-in)
3rd place = $350
Ma ligue que j’organise. La première que j’ai lancée depuis plus de 15 ans que je joue. Trop buens. Bien sur c’est sur le theme des ienchs donc mon équipe c’est Juno’s Juggernauts (ci dessous).
Bedlayers ($250 buy-in)
2nd place = $650
La ligue dans laquelle je suis depuis plus de 15 ans. Pendant 12 ans je manageais mon équipe avec Danny, mais maintenant je le fais avec Scotty depuis 2 ans et c'était bien cool de gagner de l’argent cette année avec lui. Ona gagné plein de fois avec Danny bien sur.
Voila le recap des 6 ligues, donc au total c’est un investissement de $675 pour un retour de $1400, pas mal du tout.
En bonus, je partage avec vous le recap que j’ai envoyé à tous les gars dans la ligue que j’organise.
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and ready to finish of the year and start a fresh one. I really want to thank everyone for making year 1 of my first fantasy football league a success. I loved it and really look forward to next year. I’ll send a separate email regarding rule changes for next year. One of them is having the waivers which will run later on that Wednesday every week, more similar to other leagues. I’ll share some other suggestions as well.
2017 Payouts
1st: $750 - Notorious DOG
2nd: $400 - Booty Dogs
3rd: $250 - Juno’s Juggernauts
4th: $150 - British Bullies
Total points $100 - Juno’s Juggernauts
Division winners $75
British Bullies
Notorious DOG
So the grand totals are:
Notorious DOG: $825
Booty Dogs: $400
Juno’s Juggernauts: $350
British Bullies: $225
I’ll be sending the money to you guys very shortly.
For the offseason, here’s a recap of the “Keeper rules” that are on the website followed by a team-by-team review:
Keeper Rules
Each year, selected keeper picks will start with the Superbowl winner and work backwards to the last place team, so the Last Place team will have the benefit of seeing everything that has happened before him and decide what he will do accordingly.
You can keep any player on your roster but it will cost you a draft pick two rounds higher than the original draft round of that player. You can keep up to 3 players, but it is not mandatory to keep anybody on your roster and there will be no limit to the amount of years you can keep someone on your team because eventually the player will not be able to be retained since he will no longer have a round after he becomes a 1st or 2nd round keeper. Since two rounds higher than a number 1 or 2 pick does not exist, in order to keep a #1 or #2 pick it will “cost” both 1st & 2nd round picks for a round 1 guy and “cost” both 2nd & 3rd round picks for a number 2 pick and also generate a round of “0” for that player (e.g. he will return to the free agent pool the following year). After all the keepers are selected all the remaining players return to the free agent pool.
The round of the player to be kept will be the original round in which the player was drafted in the previous year. If you acquire a player, either through trade or through the waiver wire, and he was drafted the previous year, his round will be determined by the prior year draft, regardless of whether or not your team originally drafted the player. Any player not drafted in the prior year will receive a draft slot of 16.
You will only be allowed to retain a player if you have that draft slot available (e.g. If you decide to keep a number 1 pick and give up your 1st and 2nd round selections, you cannot also keep a number 2 pick as you cannot give away your second round selection twice). However, one exception will apply: You will be able to use a draft slot to keep a player that is higher than the result of adding the 2 rounds. For example, if you have a keeper that was drafted in the 5th round last year and another player on your team that you traded for with the same round, you can keep both players by giving up both a 2nd and 3rd round pick. Basically you are keeping one player by adding 2 rounds and the other by adding 3. As long as you give up a spot HIGHER than the original spot you will be able to keep multiple players with the same draft value, up to a maximum of 3 players. The round determination will be decided by the order in which you select your keepers. For example, if you select Player A with your first keeper and Player 2 with your second slot and both players have a round value of 5, Player A will be kept with a 3rd round pick and Player B will be kept with the 2nd round pick.
You will be allowed to incorporate the trading of draft picks as well as players into any deal. However, if you trade away a 1st round selection to any team, you will have to pre-pay $150 before the trade will be executed (You only pre-pay if you are the team GIVING UP a draft pick). If you trade away any other pick (slots 2 – 16) you will have to pre-pay $50 before the trade will be executed. There will be a maximum prepayment of $350 and you will not be allowed to trade away more selections after this total has been reached. This is to ensure that a player returns the following year if he decides to trade away a bunch of draft picks and he will only lose the money if he decides to not return to the league as this money will be used to attract another player to fill the vacant spot. If the player returns the next year, the pre-payment will be applied to the current year entrance fee.
As you know, I like writing articles on my blog about sports and have been doing it for more than 5 years. I’m going to write a little season recap and a quick look at each franchise and their potential respective keepers.
Year 1 Review - Team by team
Juno’s Juggernauts
It’s always easier to start with your own team. This team was very solid all year since it won the “total points” ranking at the end of the season. Slightly disappointed to lose in the semis by 6 pts against the future Super Bowl champ DOG. Not too shabby in the end to get a 3rd place finish and most points. I obviously keep my dog updated of her scores every week when I was watching the games.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
ABrown 324 pts
KHunt 295 pts
AThielen 241 pts
ZErtz 204 pts
DBryant 187 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
Hunt will be an expensive keeper (2nd round) but could easily be worth the price
Thielen as a 7th rounder looks good
Woods as a 14th rounder looks good
Smith-Schuster as a 14th rounder looks like he could be a gem
Ertz as a 7th rounder looks decent
That’s 5 good keepers and you can only keep 3, so if anybody needs keepers i’ll be open to trade for sure.
The Rod Pack
Great year overall, but tough playoffs and no payout. That loss in the first round (week 14) was devastating because it took the Rod Pack out of any money prize, depite being 4th in total scoring throughout the season. After scoring over 200 pts in week 12 and over 135 in week 13, it was looking good for the Rod Pack but he had a dud in week 14, which is always deadly unless you have a bye.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
CMcCaffrey 222 pts
MJones 217 pts
RAnderson 205 pts
EElliott 190 pts
DFunchess 182 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CJ Anderson as a 3rd rounder is a little risky, but he had some great games down the stretch scoring 28 pts in week 16
PBarber as a 14th rounder could be good value if he’s the starter next year
JMixon as a 2nd is a little expensive but he could really blow up next year
RAnderson as an 11th rounder looks good
DFunchess as a 15th rounder looks good
MJones as an 8th rounder looks good
That’s a lot of potential keepers so if you need one, the Rod Pack might be a good trade partner.
The Booty Dogs
Pretty good payout for a team that was just “above average” throughout the year. They really came through when it counted. The team finished 6th in total points but 2nd overall, not bad.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
JJones 247 pts
TKelce 238 pts
CHyde 214 pts
JHoward 206 pts
NAgholor 195 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
MMack as a 10th rounder will be good if Gore retires
NAgholor as a 14th rounder looks good
SShepard as an 8th rounder looks good
EEngram as a 9th rounder looks good
Edelman as a 12th rounder looks good
Sweet Annie
Incredibly consistent and very surprising he wasn’t part of the payouts. Highest weekly scoring team 3 times and 3rd overall in total points. The team scored over 140 pts in 7 out of 16 weeks, which is pretty impressive.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
TGurley 397 pts
MGordon 274 pts
KAleen 258 pts
AJeffrey 196 pts
SDiggs 187 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CWentz as a 12th rounder
KDrake as a 14th rounder
Gurley as a 2nd + a 3rd rounder might be worth it if he delivers another fantasy MVP season
JWilliams as a 7th rounder if he’s the starter in Green Bay
SDiggs as a 3rd rounder is pretty decent
Eifert as a 6th rounder could be good
And many more … this team has a plethora of potential keepers.
Siberian Huskies
Tough year for the huskies. Started our pretty well but had a rough time as of week 7. Let’s just say the loss of David Johnson early in the season was pretty devastating.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LFournette 216 pts
CKupp 183 pts
RCobb 145 pts
KBenjamin 133 pts
HHenry 127 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
Fournette as a 1st rounder
CKupp as an 11th rounder
HHenry as a 6th rounder
TKroft as a 14th rounder
Doberman Dog Pound
Those low scores in weeks 10 and 13 were deadly for the dobermans, just barely missing the playoffs. There is a nice silver lining because the keepers are gems and he got an extra 4th round pick next year at the trade deadline.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
AKamara 294 pts
MThomas 243 pts
MEvans 195 pts
MCrabtree 172 pts
JCrowder 164 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
AKamara as a 9th rounder is an absolute gem of a keeper that doberman will be able to keep for many years to come
KCole as a 14th rounder certainly has looked electrifying the past few weeks
CColeman as an 8th rounder looked promising
JAllen and AEkeler because why not, they’re 14th rounders and could breakout next year
Notorious DOG
The league winner! He started maybe a little slowly the first 5 weeks, but then blew up with consistency. It’s a little crazy to see that he was never the highest scorer in a given week, but his consistent high scores led him to the championship. Congrats!
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LMcCoy 262 pts
RGronkowski 231 pts
DBaldwin 205 pts
GTate 205 pts
DJohnson 201 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
DJohnson as an 8th rounder
RMathews as a 7th rounder
RWilson as a 5th rounder
British Bullies
Had Deshaun Watson not gone down the British Bullies could’ve won this. He finished 2nd in total points and was the highest scoring team in 5 different weeks (more than any other team). Luckily he also had Brady that carried him to the playoffs. It ended up being an all-bulldog 3rd place game between Juno the Frenchie and Brisket the Brit. Overall, it was still a good season for Brisket.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
LBell 348 pts
DHopkins 315 pts
JLandry 243 pts
JMcKinnon 182 pts
JKearse 173 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
TColeman as a 5th rounder
ACollins as a 14th rounder
MGoodwin as a 14th rounder
DHopkins as a 1st rounder
DWatson as a 14th rounder
DWestbrook as a 14th rounder
Itty Bitty Pitties
A rough year for the Pitties, but he’s done the most to give himself the best opportunities for next year thanks to trading and potential keepers. He got two extra 3rd rounders for next year’s draft and a plethora of keepers.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
Most of them were traded away and the superstar of the team was definitely a QB in Cam Newton scoring 324 pts.
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
JGaroppolo as a 14th rounder
MDavis as a 14th rounder could be the starter for the Seahawks next season
DLewis as a 14th looks like a gem
WFuller as a 14th rounder is very solid
JGordon as a 15th rounder could be a gem
KStills as a 12th could be decent
CBrate as a 10th could be decent
Purple Bishops
Too much inconsistency by the Bishops explains why they had the low weekly score in 3 seperate weeks this season. He still managed to finish 7th in total points thanks to some explosive scores in weeks 3 and 11.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
THill 260 pts
LFitzgerald 250 pts
BCooks 216 pts
DWalker 176 pts
TGinn 165 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
CKeenum as a 14th rounder
RBurkhead as a 6th rounder
TCohen as a 15th rounder
CThompson as a 13th rounder
LFitzgerald as a 3rd rounder
TGinn as a 10th rounder
Pawsitive Dawg
It was a tough year for Pawsitive only cracking the 120-point mark once during the season. When a team has a season like this I do recommend to trade top players at the deadline for future picks next year. Some pretty good keepers for next year though.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
MIngram 283 pts
LMiller 190 pts
THilton 185 pts
MSanu 162 pts
BPowell 149 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
MIngram as a 4th rounder
BPowell as a 5th rounder
MSanu as a 14th rounder
OHoward as a 9th rounder
Anabolic Boxers
A very rough start to the season hurt too much to make the playoffs, but had a stretch weeks 10 through 14 that was pretty good. Also, the extra 4th round pick he got at the deadline will help for next season.
Top 5 highest scoring non-QB players on the team were:
AGreen 235 pts
DAdams 228 pts
DMurray 175 pts
MLynch 154 pts
SWatkins 150 pts
Potential keepers for next year that are interesting:
DBooker as a 14th rounder if he’s the starter for the Broncos next year
DCook as a 1st rounder because he showed he’s elite
DAdams as a 2nd who could easily be rodgers top target next season
JDoctson as a 13th rounder showed promise
EEbron as an 8th rounder
Happy New Year’s Eve party to all of you enjoy the upcoming NFL playoffs!!
See you next season and GO PATS!
14 déc. 2017
Ted's 2017 travels
As my annual trip to Amsterdam is arriving rapidly. I realized it’s been quite an awesome year of travels for Heather and I. So, I want to do a recap. 6 countries (including France) and 11 cities visited (excluding Paris), makes a nice variety of places. You have to stay there overnight for a city to be considered “visited”. Pisa or Milano won’t count for example, because I didn’t spend the night there.


best restaurant of the year: Nopi
New York

Cinque Terre

best "getaway" vacation
Porspoder (Finistère)
La Turballe (Morbihan)

best "family" vacation
...less than a week away!
A lot of Europe for sure. I certainly travel through Europe more extensively than anywhere else. Understandably so, since everything is so close. It does lack the “exotic” destination like a Costa Rica or a Sri Lanka, which I’m definitely long overdue for. I guess the “theme” this year was Spain, and next year it’s likely Germany. I already have a trip to Frankfurt planned in February and will probably go to Mettlach (Saarland) a little later as well.



best museum of the year: Alhambra

best restaurant of the year: Nopi
New York



Cinque Terre

best "getaway" vacation
Porspoder (Finistère)

La Turballe (Morbihan)

best "family" vacation
...less than a week away!
A lot of Europe for sure. I certainly travel through Europe more extensively than anywhere else. Understandably so, since everything is so close. It does lack the “exotic” destination like a Costa Rica or a Sri Lanka, which I’m definitely long overdue for. I guess the “theme” this year was Spain, and next year it’s likely Germany. I already have a trip to Frankfurt planned in February and will probably go to Mettlach (Saarland) a little later as well.
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