2022 Edition:
2021 Edition:
NB: Fin 2020 les règles ont évoluées. Le zerozappeur de l'année n'est plus élu pour l'année écoulée mais pour l'année à venir. Ainsi l'année 2020 restera à jamais sans élu et marquée par la seule victoire du covid.
2019 Edition:
For this fourth edition of the UZIZOTY awards, and in line with what now seems to be an actual tradition and not just a trend, we have yet another blindsided victory propelling the likes of an infamously penalizable individual to the stratospheric heights of exemplariness, immunity and dignity... always dignity.
But lets not stop there.
Here are the honorable mentions for this year :
Most viewed post : Renfli with 384 views on his spam post de candidature à la mairie de paris
Most commented post : Renfli with 75 comments on his own CR du champiskwat
Most posts : Deute and Renfli with 19 posts each last year.
You will find the raw data below:
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Table 1.0 |
Bejeezus! Vous avez vu l'efficacité magistrale de Nelson ? Le mec a 1 post et 1 victoire.
Quality over quantity you were saying Deute?
Looks like Nelson can teach us all a thing or two in that department.
Lastly a quick note on our advertising scheme. Je vous laisse constater par vous meme les résultats de votre laisser-aller.
Spoiler alert: It failed miserably:
Figure 1.0 |
Figure 1.1 |
Voila. C'est tout.
Congratulations again Nelson, happy birthday big bro, and merry friggin new year shitbirds!
2018 Edition:
2017 Edition:
2016 Edition:
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Elvenerdo - First ever ZOTY Award Winner - 2016 Edition |
About these awards
The Zero Zapper of the Year Award is presented annually by the United ZeroZap Institute (UZI) honoring a member's volunteer and charity work, as well as his excellence in the field of non zappance.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded once every blue moon by the United ZeroZap Institute (UZI) to recognize contributions over the whole of a career, rather than or in addition to single contributions.
The ZeroZap Hall of Fame is located on the ocean floor at 0°0'0'' Longitude and 0°0'0'' Latitude in the Gulf of Guinea. Dedicated to the history of non zappance, it is a both museum and a hall of fame.
Candidates for membership are nominated by an 18-person selection committee. The committee consists of all nine UZI members, their related personnel and any relevant media personalities associated with the field of non zappance.
Squeakversaire sale type!
RépondreSupprimerTrop marrante cette tof.
RépondreSupprimerTout est dans la légende. Don't like it? Call 1-800-USSR or your local senator for further guidance. Zero
RépondreSupprimerfucking number doesn't work.
RépondreSupprimerpas un ro-bot, pas un robot!
RépondreSupprimerFélicitations クソム先生!
RépondreSupprimerarrête Princesse, ARRETE JE TE DIS!
RépondreSupprimerIl a vraiment une tête de fifrelin dans cette tof mais il mérite son titre évidemment.
RépondreSupprimerPeut-être tout simplement le zappeur du siècle.
RépondreSupprimerVous frisez l'insolence mon cher Red. Un peu de respect je vous prie.
RépondreSupprimerc'est un peu le Messi du blog, a jamais titré.