2 nov. 2019


OK so as I promised 2T  voila le post qui va régler une fois pour toute la question de l'en avant Gallois.

Je ne vais pas entrer dans la polémique (ou discuter du fait qu'on aurait pu se mettre a l'abri en transformant le premier essai, ou se faciliter les choses si on prenait pas un carton rouge -parfaitement légitime... quel con d'ailleurs!!), je vais presenter les faits et les règles, ainsi que ce qu'il s'est passé avec les mots qui ont été utilisés. Vous pourrez choisir de débattre si vous le voulez, mais la chose est sûre, indéniable et on ne peut pas la remettre en question (a moins d'être "bias" - d'être biaisé en Anglais),  l'essai n'était pas valable et cette erreur d'arbitrage a couté la qualification de la France: sans cette erreur d'arbitrage, pas d'essai. Pas d'essai pas de point en plus. Pas de points en plus, pas de victoire des gallois.

Donc, without further ado, pourquoi il y a eu erreur d'arbitrage:

Les faits de jeu: après un cafouillage, Thomas Williams arrache le ballon des mains d'Ollivon. Il gicle et décrit une trajectoire qui ressemble - a vitesse reel et sur l'angle présente "live" (en direct en Anglais) aller vers l'avant. Le flanker Justin Tipuric le récupère mais échoue devant la ligne. Ross Moriarty, en seconde lame, jaillit pour inscrire l'essai.

L'essai était-il valable ? Pour trancher il faut les réponses a questions  :
1/ is it a forward throw or pass?
2/ is it a knock-on?
3/ did the ball travel forward the French dead ball line?
4/ Can a "rip" (arrachage en Anglais) lead to a knock on

Que dit le règlement ? Consultons les lois du jeu dictées par World Rugby, l'instance qui régit le rugby à l'échelle mondiale:

Dans la section "definitions" du World Rugby:

Throw forward: When a player throws or passes the ball forward i.e. if the arms of the player passing the ball move forward.

Wales player Tamos Williams rips the ball and his ripping arm goes behind his head towards France's try line. 
By ripping the ball from Ollivon, Tamos Williams (wether on purpose or not is irrelevant) passes the ball to his team-mate Justin Tipuric.

This definition is crystal clear:  the play is a "throw forward" and therefore if the ball moves forward, it is a forward pass. 

If it is a forward pass, the try cannot be awarded.

To avoid any doubt or discussion, I will also address the diehard Wales fans  trying to wiggle their way out of the term forward pass by considering that a "rip" is not a pass, but "in the spirit of rugby" is more akin to a "knock" - to these people I say: fair point, so? what do the rules state about "knock-on":

Toujours dans la section "definitions" du World Rugby:

Knock-on: When a player loses possession of the ball and it goes forward, or when a player hits the ball forward with the hand or arm, or when the ball hits the hand or arm and goes forward, and the ball touches the ground or another player before the original player can catch it.

Cette definition est claire, le ballon n'allant pas vers l'en-but Gallois, il ne peut pas s'agir d'un "knock-on" Francais. So, does it fall into the category of a Wales "knock-on"? 

World Rugby has a specific "Rule section" covering knock-ons, à savoir la règle 11!  (Notamment à les règle 11 alinéa 2 et alinéa 5b)

11.2 It is a knock-on when a player, in tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent, makes contact with the ball and the ball goes forward.

Again, here the rule is clear and leaves no room for interpretation, if this rule is applied on its own, the play is therefore a Wales knock-on. 
But wait, there is a caveat, a specific rule for the "rip" in this case that could cancel the knock on: 11.5.b 

11.5 The ball is not knocked-on, and play continues, if:
  1. b. A player rips or knocks the ball from an opponent and the ball goes forward from the opponent’s hand or arm.

Once more, the rule is very clear, for 11.5.b to apply, the ball has to travel forward from the opponent's hand or arm (i.e. off the French arm toward the Wales dead ball line). This is not the case, so rule 11.5.b cannot apply, and 11.2 stands.

Since the ball is caught by another player on the team, the knock is therefore considered a pass.

If the rip deemed a "knock" (instead of a throw or pass) the ball moves toward the French dead ball line - and the same player does not catch the ball, it is therefore a knock-on, and the try cannot be awarded.

So now the crucial question: le ballon est-il allé vers l'en-but Français après l'arrachage? oui ou non? (there is no middle ground here. Yes of course it might have been hard on the field in the heat of the moment, but physically,  there is no margin for debate: the ball either went forward or not)

je vous remets la video pour que ce soit clair:

so back to the initial questions:

1/ is it a forward throw or pass? YES
2/ is it a knock-on? FROM WALES.
3/ did the ball travel forward the French dead ball line? YES


For the record: Earlier in the tournament a Fiji rip against Georgia was termed a knock on, as it left the ripping players arm last and went forward to the ground.

link to world rugby rules (Download the 2019 World Rugby Law Book)

67 commentaires:

  1. Explication très approfondie. Je kiffe beaucoup et fuck Wales for fucking us over! De toute façon, je pense pas qu'on aurait pu battre les golgoths sud africains. Ils sont enormes! Les Brits etaient bon, surtout techniquement, mais les Boks etaient des monstres.


  2. Merci pour ces explications. Limpide! Forward movement of the ball is not extremely blatent so not surprised the ref and video ignored it. Sure it IS there and in a perfect world should be spotted but, please, remind me what world you live in again Nelson? My gut tells me your right. And when you're right you're right but answer me this little doozie: Comment se fait-il que tu es le mec le plus en colere contre les arbitres que je connaisse? Et pourquoi ai-je cette drole d'impression que dès tu mates un match ya une couille d'arbitrage impardonnable qui se produit? Tu nous portes la poisse c'est pas possible! ;)

  3. Réponses
    1. d'où il faut une histoire de sport pour que tu daignes faire acte de présence sur le blog? pénalité!

    2. sinon on a une nouvelle excuse pour le panthéon, après le
      "le blog est pas dans mes favoris"
      on a le
      "le blog marche pas sur safari"

    3. et plus sérieusement, je croyais qu'au rugby c'était arbitré par vidéo, d'où cette divergence entre ton avis et la décision?

    4. Justement l'arbitrage video est intervenu sur cette action. Ils sont sensé aidé l'arbitre a trancher. Mais comme c'etait tout un bordel sur le terrain et que la passe en avant est pas bien visible selon les angles, l'arbitre a jugé autrement (ce qu'il a parfaitement le droit de faire si je comprends bien)

  4. Franchement j'ai l'impression que c'est plus "flat" voir en arrière qu'un knock-on, et en plus cette règle du rip knock-on n'est pas vraiment appliquée. C'est un accord tacite dans le monde du rugby. Si un français avait fait la même chose tu serais pas en train de pleurnicher zappeur. De toute façon je voyais mal la France battre les Boks ou la Rose...On a une équipe de losers depuis des années donc suck it up shitbird.

    1. Eu concordo com Robert. A equipe francesa de rugby é muito ruim. Não merecíamos a vitória.

    2. Tu parles portugais maintenant? T'as qqch à nous dire?

      Happy Sunday funday!


    3. Nós assistimos o jogo em português.

    4. Ha! ça devait etre pas mal ça. Et comment ont-ils dit: "Essai!!!" ?

    5. Ils étaient remarquablement calmes pour des commentateurs sportifs.

    6. you said shitbird. haha i never tire of hearing that insult.

    7. héhé.

      Rien à voir, vous avez vu la nouvelle série Treadstone? J'étais accro après 20mins et j'en ai enchaîné trois épisodes. Apparemment c'est lié à la saga Bourne (que je n'ai jamais vu).

    8. pas vu non plus, et ca va aller direct sur ma liste de trucs à voir, car j'ai vu tous les Bournes et j'ai bien kiffer.

      Happy Monday!


  5. marrant je suis pas d´accord. les passes en avant, si elles sont faites ´´dans l´esprit du jeu´´, sont autorisées.

    En gros, si tu passes les bras en te faisant plaquer, mais effectue un mouvement rotatif complet vers l´arrière, une passe qui part en avant est autorisée dans l´idée que le mouvement se voulait en arrière, malgré le résultat physique.

    Introduit en France récemment, ça fout le boxon mais cette règle est appliquée.

    Et puis pleurer pas bande de fiottes on avait aucune chance de gagner.

    1. voila de quoi relancer le débat en tout cas. j'attends avec impatience le retour de Nelson. fidèle à son avatar, c dans les analyses sportives qu'il est manifestement dans son élément sur ce blog alors encourageons le dans ce sens !

    2. Toute la complexité de juger d'un en-avant à voir en video ici. Qualité de la video 2/10 mais qualité des explications 8/10. Point important évoqué, l'en avant ne se juge pas par rapport à la trajectoire du ballon relatif au sol mais plutot par rapport à sa trajectoire relatifs aux joueurs donc en tenant compte du mouvement de bras effectué par le passeur. Bref pas simple. (PS: better quality video here

    3. boulet a raison et d'ailleurs c'est une bonne chose qu'ils ai ajoute cette notion de passe en avant qui est dans l'esprit d'une passe en arriere, malheureusement ca ne peut pas s'appliquer dans ce cas:
      le rip en question ne fait pas du tout de de mouvement rotatif complet et donc s'il est considere comme une passe ca ne peut pas s'appliquer. Donc si le rip est considere comme un knock, alors ya knock-on et donc ca ne s'applique pas.

  6. rien a voir mais toujours sur le sujet du rugby mais je suis bien content pour les Springboks. j'ai juste regardé les 5 dernières minutés du match mais j'ai kifé. trop beau le dernier essai. l'avait l'air bien cool cette finale.

  7. Ouais les 2 essais étaient bien vénères.

  8. PS: Un CR ´´ya pas photo´´ est automatiquement pénalisable.

    1. haha
      mais nelson est déjà carton rouge, pénalty box, humiliation publique en slip et bonnet de bain. Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, Nelson n'est pas pénalisable car Nelson, tel un moine reclus dans les contreforts de l'himalaya, a domestiqué la pénalité, l'a fait sienne, l'a intégré en lui dans un équilibre cosmique transcendant. Neslon est la pénalité.

    2. haha, oui "Neslon est la pénalité", mais on a tendance à oublier les Squalalas, Rouquemoutes et autres Robins...

    3. C'est clair, surtout Squalala. Il a zero excuses, car on sait très bien qu'il pourrait être actif sur le blog super facilement.

    4. Je m'en souviens encore comme si c'était hier. Quand on etait colloque en 2005, il me disait constamment "Arretes de zapper le blog" ... And now we're here 15 years later.

    5. m'en vais le mettre dans le penalty box moi. d'autant plus pénalisable qu'il se pavane sur instagram en parallèle! sur un compte private auquel il faut demander la permission pour être follower ! je viens de le faire à l'instant, on va voir donc sous combien de temps il accepte sur Instagram et sous combien de temps il daigne revenir sur ce blog pour s'offusquer de sa pénalisation! hehe

  9. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  10. pas mal ce générateur de bullshit en mode auto-complete. On va enfin pouvoir avoir des débats avec Déous sans trop se fouler.

    1. hahahah

      Input : "Nelson Pinard would have made a poor referee. "

      Output : There was absolutely no evidence whatsoever that he had ever had any sort of training in refereeing. No evidence of any of the training that was supposedly required to be referee. Nelson Pinard had a lot of money and had made it his job to use it to make sure that no referee ever got an opponent hurt. This wasn't the first time that Pinard had used his refereeing to hurt an opponent. Nelson Pinard had injured a young, up and coming fighter named Mike Rutter in his first match. Rutter had fought in a few of Pinard's matches and had never seemed to get hurt. He had been a very good student of Nelson Pinard and had learned a lot about how to use his own technique to hurt people. In fact, Rutter was trained by Pinard's son, "Nelson" who was Nelson's own apprentice.

    2. Robert Barre has an informed opinion on a lot of controversial topics. In this post, he lays out the basics on an issue that many have been debating for some time: the role that race plays in the NFL. He's right. We need to stop talking about race in football. We do not need to do it because we don't want to talk about it. We do not need to do it because it doesn't fit in a pre-packaged narrative. We do not need to do it because it is a politically incorrect discussion to have. We need to do it because it is a topic worth discussing.

      So let's do it.

      For those of you who don't know Barre, he's one of the few writers on the internet who I feel deserves credit for his efforts on the issue. In his post, Barre lays out the facts regarding racial profiling and the NFL's handling of it. While I agree with Barre on many things, I do not agree with his assertion that the NFL is the only one that does it.

    3. Jean-Baptiste Pinard has a positive influence on children's behavior in general. One of his most famous childrens' books is " L'Auberge et le Deux ". Pinard is a popular author and a good friend to children. He is a member of the French Academy of Philosophy and is an advocate for secular education.
      He was also an early supporter of the French Revolution. This is one of the reasons why he was considered a "reactionary".
      Francois Pinard (1815-1876), The Little Prince.
      It was said in Paris that on that day the great revolution was born.
      (source: Le Bien-Aimable - Wikipedia)
      Francois Pinard was a French intellectual and politician. In a time of social turmoil, he was a figure of hope and optimism.
      At the time when the French Revolution was happening, he was the leader of the Socialist party. The Socialist party was a powerful political force. In fact it was a major political party in the French Revolution.

    4. Maximilien Guericolas has developed a special diet based exclusively on sugar which - he claims - is the cure to all diseases. The secret is that his diet is comprised only of sugar and nothing else. In fact, the only thing added to his diet is an entire banana, along with some ice. Guericolas has been trying to develop his diet since he was 14 years old, when he was diagnosed with asthma. He says that sugar, especially refined sugar, is the biggest culprit in the rise of asthma and allergies. He says that he has had to go through all kinds of tests to prove his claims, but his claims are not just for health reasons. He also says that he is trying to show the world that sugar can be eliminated from the human diet.
      One thing that makes Guicolas' diet interesting is that he claims that he consumes 10,000 calories per day, which is about one pound of food every four days.

    5. c'est bien marrant cette connerie haha

    6. Le truc marche bien si tu mets en input une affirmation assez banale, genre "Trump is making America great again." Mais avec les inside-jokes le résultat est franchement spectaculaire :-)

    7. Franchement ils sont tous bien golris!

    8. absolument mort de rire!!!! c'est genial!

  11. Tiens, vraisemblalement il te prend pour un cycliste. Très clairement pénalisable en tout cas. haha

    Input: Florent Baujard has the absurd notion that he cannot be penalized for any of his shortcumings. His repeated claim that he is above punishment is absurd to all who know him.
    Output: The fact that Florent Baujard is now the most important player of the World Tour and will be awarded the same opportunities that the world's best players have is a sad day for cycling.
    There have been a lot of good moments on the peloton's stage to victory, and Baujard has been one of them, but his actions in the final week of the season show that he has failed to realize his potential and that he is completely incapable of understanding the responsibilities that come with being a professional athlete.
    Baujard has proven himself to be a reckless rider. He was penalized for two time trials, one of which was an illegal move and the other a tactic to set up a time trial. He was also forced to start the Tour de Romandie early because of the race officials' decision to penalize him for a violation of rules.

  12. So not surprised by the "illegal moves"

  13. J'avoue ya de quoi bien se marrer. Dommage qu'il existe pas encore en français.
    Voici ce que ça ma donné en forçant le trait sur tes vues. Mort de rire.

    Input: Florent Baujard clearly has no understanding of modern economic issues. His hate-fueled left wing agenda disguised as a pragmatic ideology of peace and equality has fooled no one.

    Output:This is an economic proposal which does not even deserve the title of an economic proposal. He is a man who is willing to sacrifice the people he represents to satisfy his own vanity and power. No government can be trusted. It is not enough for a leader to have vision or integrity. He must also have an ability to lead and inspire. He should be a true man of the people. Baujard is, in fact, nothing more than a leftist politician who is trying to get elected in a red state in the USA. He is running against the popular incumbent in a Republican primary who is doing quite well. Baujard is a failed candidate whose career has been a complete failure. He has no chance of making it beyond the primary season. He will not be a strong candidate in the general election. His candidacy is a fraud. His ideas are nothing

  14. Allez, one more.

    Input: There is no question that Ted Paul Cavalier, assistant coach to the New England Patriots was utterly and completely off his game this season. Not one player he was responsible for drafting has showed any sign of potential, and almost half are now injured and permanently on the bench.

    Output:There are only two other head coaches on the team. It is not a good thing.
    Ted's offensive line has been an absolute disaster, the offensive coaches on the Patriots coaching staff are as bad as they come, and the defensive staff is as well. It is absolutely ridiculous to think that there will not be some sort of controversy between the coaches and Patriots ownership in the near future. Ted may not be the most respected coach in the league, but he certainly has the most potential to turn this team around.
    I will also admit that I am a big fan of Ted Paul, and that I am very upset with this coaching change.
    I want the team to be in the playoffs next year and beyond. That is all.

  15. Toi visiblement il pense que tu es un écrivain.

    Jean-Baptiste Pinard has fallen so low he now trusts amazon comments from random internet trolls to guide him in his reading choices.

    The French journalist had his Twitter account suspended this week after he tweeted his disdain at Amazon's latest book.

    After the French publisher announced its latest offering, 'The Little Prince', the author tweeted: 'It's impossible to say anything against Amazon. They have nothing to offer the world except their books!'

    Mr Pinard's account was reinstated by Amazon on Thursday, but it still remains closed to him.

    The account was suspended because the journalist had 'explicitly disparaged' Amazon during an exchange on Twitter with another user.

  16. mort de rire je l'ai fait bugger avec "Ted Paul Cavalier is know throughout the world as being the only human being capable of causing death from poisoning with the noxious fumes he emits from his bowels."

    Paul Cavalier's bowels.

    His bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

    Paul's bowels.

  17. très bon. Gonna call Deute Paulie from now on. Soprano's style.

  18. Robert likes to harass farm animals: He also has a tendency to harass farmers. His main motivation seems to be to get the animals and food away from the farmers. It seems like he has a lot of money and he would like to get that money to help pay for his drug habit.
    The police and local farmers had to spend a long time searching his barn for clues. He also seems to be well hidden. In the past when the police went looking for him they were able to find him hiding in one of the barns.
    They believe that he may have moved to another state for some unknown reason.
    A reward for information leading to his capture has been set at $10,000. If you have any information you can contact the police.
    Police believe that the case may be connected to similar attacks in other parts of the country.
    The most likely suspect is a young man from Ohio or Indiana.

    Spot on!

  19. And Happy Friday! ca ressemble un peu à Juno, non?

  20. Happy Sunday funday! Got a few for you today.

    Like, this bottle of vodka looks perfect for me.

    Reason #541876 that weed should be legalized here already.

    It's been a while so Tada!


  21. Ca zap assez severe par ici. Captain a une excuse, mais pas les autres.

    Juno turned 5 this week!


  22. Happy birthday Juno! Did she get a treat?

  23. Il faut un nouveau post, on se perd dans les commentaires là. J'attends le faire post de naissance du petit Thomas "Magnum" Pinard

    1. Moi aussi j'ai hésité ce matin, mais je me suis dit qu'on devrait avoir un post de Tommy Magnum bientôt...


Laisse un commentaire ou zap comme un malpropre. Quoiqu'il en soit t'es pénalisable.