23 janv. 2021

Monthly ZeroZoom

 I think it's time I do an official post about this. For a year now, I've been the Zoom MC. I've done a ton of "fun" (non-work) Zooms. I did an "ex-Takezo", I do a monthly Family, many friends in the US, like the one we did on December 31st for New Year's Eve. Bref, I could go on.

A funny little thing on Zoom is when we talked to Mitchell a year ago. He wanted to buy a little stock in Zoom. I said it's too bad it was already at $120 a share when in November 2019 it was at $70, and in October it was up to $500, but the vaccine has brought down a little to $380.

I want to continue the great trend we started in 2020. Scheduling is always tricky, so let's make it easy.

ZerozapZoom will be monthly on 4th weekend of the month, so we're starting next Saturday January 30th at 6pm, donc 18h.

Here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87819861204

For the pics of the post I'm just putting some WhatsApp pics that never make it on this blog. Here's my selection:

Heather got me this Tshirt for Xmas. In case you haven't seent it, here it is

On est tous d'accord, Vive les Pinards!

@Pinolz, always a lot of fun

Chussa quoi!

Mudman, je pense qu'on un nouveau surnom pour le Payz

I love old school pics like this one


8 commentaires:

  1. NICE....
    am i the only one that thinks ted should grow the long hair and the mustache to match his tee?

  2. Je me fais griller sur r/stacked par Heather, et elle est kiffe pas, je comprends pas

  3. ZerozapZoom dans 3 jours, j'espère que vous êtes prêts à bien zerozapper cette année. 2021, hein?

    1. ce sera une apparition éclair pour ma part. on est chez mon beauf samedi donc jvais avoir du mal à zerozoomer pendants des plombes


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