27 févr. 2020

The World Famous Payzako Bday BBQ Bash

It's that time of year again: the Guinness Six Nations, Formula One, and Misako/Yours Truly birth celebrations (I have no fucking idea why anyone would want to celebrate my birth but I imagine the reason is I own a charcoal grill).

Now, down to business: as this has become a tradition in the same way as Festivus, there will be burgers, it's a burger bbq, suck it up or fuck orff (that is not a typo, that's how HRM Queen Elizabeth II would pronounce it). 

As per tradition, the procurement of burgers, buns and any other content will rest on my shoulders. The rest of you shitbirds can stop acting like bloody Scots and bring vast quantities of beer, a couple salads (nothing too healthy) and whatever you deem proper in these circumstances.

The date: as Captain Fuckface can't make it on the 8th due to some unimportant visit in some unsavoury place, the event will have to be postponed, fucking up the tradition in the process. Fuck you Captain.

I on the other hand have an extremely important event to attend the following week, a worthwhile affair if ever there was one.  This is why the suggested date is the 22nd of March 2020. If anyone of you cannot honour that date then you are a rotter, a stinker and a fool.


38 commentaires:

  1. Dude the world would be a lesser place if you weren't there. You're always wrong on pretty much everything significant, you're grumpy, cynical, intellectually lazy and you emit a foul odor (yes, this is the correct spelling btw), but you're still a great friend! Would you enjoy another poem to celebrate our friendship or would a nubile goat be more appropriate this time?

    On sera là (can't wait!)

    Zéro :-)

  2. Naturally I could make it this Saturday which would be perfect... and in line with tradition...however some long nailed troubadour decided to spoil everyone's fun by declaring saturdays off limits once and for all on account of him teaching tiny little shitbirds how to pull on a few strings here and there. what a joke. looking forward to square this away on the 22nd.

  3. A nubile goat please! Your spelling is WRONG.

    You always have to blame it on someone don't you Captain.

  4. Man that looks fun, but where Captain will be in a couple weeks is far from unsavory. It will be mega fucking savory!

    It's nibbling time!

  5. It's Friday, the perfect day for beer, babes, and burgers.


  6. ça se bouscule pas au portillon, je vais devoir refuser l'admission aux zappeurs de tous poils. Quelle honte!

  7. C'est clair que sans radio Deute vous avez l'air de galerer un peu


  8. C'est quoi radio Deute? Y'a MC Chacal?

    1. Radio Deute c'est Captain qui l'a trouvé y a qq années à un BBQ Romuliette et je trouve que ça colle assez bien.

    2. Et Happy birthday my friend!

      Je souhaite un dimanche bien zerozappant.


  9. C'est bien calme ici. Je dirai même mou.
    Romain tu as des idées de sujets de conversation pour ton déj avec Polo dans sa cuisine?

  10. Bon pour info ca fait a peine 5h qu'on a mis les pieds a Aix et il pleut deja. Hmmm

  11. Zolde pour toi mais eat that Mr "Il fait toujours beau ici" Donald Paul-Cavalier! :-) :-) :-)

  12. C'est clair que j'etais pas en train de fanfaronner là... Et Cavallier c'est avec deux l, c'est qd meme tres noob ca

  13. Haha, c'est drôle.

    Ce qui est moins drôle c'est une nouvelle série qui s'appelle "ZeroZeroZero", va falloir demander des droits d'auteurs.

    C'est marrant Deute ça te dérange plus qu'on se plante sur ton nom de famille...

  14. Ça corrige automatiquement "cavallier" en cavalier. Pas de ma faute si ton ancêtre était une bite en orthographe. =)

  15. C'est toi la faute d'orthographe.

  16. I'm often a fan of Old School Celeb pics. Bill Murray the year I was born


    1. WTF!! Unknown, FU Blogger. On the Corona topic we're all talking about, here are some fun stats

      As of 3 days ago, France just became the 4th country in the world with the most cases excluding mainland China.


    2. Big tourist countries. No wonder

    3. Si quelqu'un qui se sent pas bien pouvait tousser un bon coup dans la tronche de Biden, ça nous ferait à tous du bien ;-)

  17. My favorite podcaster had a pretty good little video

    Stay safe everyone, avoid all crowds.


  18. Avec tous à la maison, personne n'a d'excuse pour zapper!!


    1. Perso je vais dans mes jardins...

    2. moi je donne des cours via skype/whatsapp

    3. de toute façon j'ai jamais zappé de ma vie, donc...

  19. Bien chanme ce review qu'on m'a laissé de mon Provencal Market Tour:

    "I am pretty obsessed with food and cooking, especially when I travel. I always try to rent a flat or house, so I can experiment with local cuisines using local products. Edouard's expertise, enthusiasm and genuine warmth was a delight for my adventure. Triple points for being fluent in English and French, which allowed me to communicate with the vendors, ask them questions and learn so much about their products. I was meeting other friends traveling to Aix, and wanted to make a delicious dinner party for them. Edouard met me at a lovely cafe in the morning where I had a delicious flakey and tender croissant and coffee to start the day. He introduced me to several of his favorite vendors and we perused the entire market so I could assess what was available, what looked good, and was given samples to taste before I made my final decision on a menu for the dinner. In the end, I settled on beautiful fresh oysters to start from the oyster monger, a beautiful sea-bream for a light fish consume seasoned with young leeks, carrot and fennel, a simple mixed salad with a french vinaigrette, and 3 superb types of mushrooms (I bought $120 worth!) to make homemade fettuccine in a mushroom cream sauce. And of course, beautiful wine, cheese and bread throughout the evening. Everything was AMAZING. My friends absolutely loved the meal, and loved Edouard and his beautiful wife, whom I invited to join us... because I've made a new friend in Provence! Cannot recommend highly enough, even if you don't want to cook a feast... the products in Provence are some of the best in the world. Not to be missed."


    1. haha buen en effet. J'ai bien envie de crier au fake parce qu'il parle pas une seule fois de ton odeur, et ça c'est louche! Mais bon faut croire qu'il avait le nez bouché ce jour la.


    2. "expertise" haha genre!

    3. 120$ de champignons, il s'est fait plaisir. C'était Jeff Bezos ton client?

    4. Grave que j'ai de l'expertise à aller au marché tous les jours depuis 1 an. Je connais la moitié des gens. Les champignons c'est Dominique par exemple. Les $120 c'etait le total je pense, et y avait des huitres, un loup, etc. Hahaha c'est pas Jeff Bezos, mais la manager de Sheryl Crow, donc pas mal qd meme.


  20. It's been a vegan free zone for quite a while. Any ideas of new posts? Le CR de Jbeuh à Aix est un peu daté, donc pas sur qu'il verra le jour.



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