5 juil. 2021

Quality in music

If there's someone to blame for this wall of text, it's Nelson and his legendary "mauvaise foi."

So here we go: yesterday we listened to some pretty lame songs in my opinion, which started a conversation with Nelson and Payz, that went south pretty quickly.
Eurythmics' Sweet Dreams. I got confused, thought it was Ace of Base, and blurted out something like "who cares, it's all the same shit anyways."
That triggered Nelson, who brought up the ridiculous point that preludes were interchangeable which is beyond ludicrous, and got me started.

Here are some Bach preludes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oFjk0HynY4
Chopin's take on the genre : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqXYIteAfNs
Villa Lobos' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q7UlMiMQ-s
Messiaen's : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2pwTP7g7xE
The list is endless, and composers still write preludes to this day, and still come up with ideas to make them sound unique, fresh, new, interesting.

Saying that all preludes are interchangeable is like arguing that all short stories are too, because you know, they have a beginning, an end, and stuff happens in between. Absurd.

Now to my main point : yes there is such a thing as objective ways to measure quality in music.
I'm far from being an expert in dance music, and I'm quite certain that if one spends enough time, there are jewels to be found. That being said, there is no question that these songs :
Are all based on the same formula. A few gimmicks, usually two, repeated ad nauseam. Whether you like or not the gimmick being used is completely subjective, however the compositional device : repeating the same idea over and over again, is quite shallow. Sure, the sounds being used are different, the singers don't have the same skills; that being said, the songs themselves are all shallow. Very little happens, they are formatted to do one thing, and although one can argue they are very successful at doing that, that in of itself does not qualify as "quality". 
Their purpose is to make people dance.
The musical idea undergoes no evolution, it is not transformed, put in a different perspective. It is repeated over and over again, obsessively.

It is possible to make repetitive music very interesting. Take this piece for instance : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OrfZI-JRXY
It is also possible to make great music with shit lyrics : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpe35TjOfyM
So is composing dance music that's musically interesting even if you take away the dancing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArBPcTCAKmA or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZkIAVGlfWk

The genre itself (dance music) does not justify mediocrity. There is this amazing series of videos by the classical pianist / composer Nahre Sol who digests different genres and turns them into classical compositions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfb9JKfNXA&list=PL0UfT1ar7nMfyYHSgG3ofHBbQK9hJJ83f
I believe the same could be done with dance music.
This guy (Andrew Huang) : https://www.youtube.com/c/andrewhuang/videos does amazing videos of his creative process (he's an electronic music composer/musician). I believe it is possible to create amazing dance music, that both has compositional depth, and stays true to the genre (music you can dance to in a nightclub).
Commercial music however, has taken the other route. There is very little space left for creativity, because the music industry executives are lazy, greedy, and quite incompetent, to put it mildly.

Just like there's nothing wrong with enjoying a burger at MacDonald's, there's no question that the food itself is of lower quality (as in there is less effort put into creating it, and the overall result lacks depth). The same goes for literature, movies, etc.

I'd rather live in my 75m² flat than in the Versailles palace. However in terms of architecture, there is a difference of quality. The fact that one feels like home and the other doesn't, is irrelevant.

To sum it up, it's not just a question of taste - and again, I think it's perfectly fine to enjoy listening to shallow music - there is such a thing as quality in works of art, and it is possible to measure it somewhat objectively, and it does make sense to make comparisons.

11 commentaires:

  1. Je sais pas si il va voir ton post hein...Il n'a toujours pas commenté celui sur le hockey!

  2. C'est pas grave, ça fait vivre le blog :-)

  3. Wow! That post was impressive with all the links you posted to justify what you're saying. Real impressive and it doesn't surprise me. I once heard that 50% of Snoops Dogg's songs are basically samples from Al Green he recycled.


  4. I'm out of my element but i will say this. Those lazy greedy executives must be on to something if they can channel the hopes and dreams and desires of the masses onto a specific artist/musical style long enough to make millions. I wish i could do that. ;)

    1. Well one could argue that that indeed is a skill: being able to convince people that crap is more worth listening to than actual quality.
      I don't think the world is a better place as a result, quite the contrary.
      The fact that they make millions in the process is not a confirmation that what they do is worth anything to society as a whole. It's worth a lot for their shareholders and their own net-worth, sure...

    2. not sure it takes much convincing. as far as i see it, they're just very good at understanding what the people already want. as to whether its crap or quality, whether it makes the world a better place or if its worth anything to society. sorry. this jury's out on that one.

  5. Hop you're all having a good summer.


    1. We are indeed! thank you. CR de la Grece comming soon hopefully... Zero

  6. haven´t been here in a loong time but you made my day. in the same vein, one of my favourite albums of de la soul have a song where they make fun of house music - by doing a brilliant house music song entirely out of samples, hip hop style.


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