13 oct. 2020

Delicious links

 Here we go for delicious links almost every day, that'll look a little something like this:

13 commentaires:

  1. I wanted to put this on Cacaleries but I didn't have a "Pages" option when I posted

  2. hmmm. could be because you're not an admin. let me fix that for you

  3. voila. vous ai tous passé en admin. y compris ce fils de chien de Moldax. pouvez faire nimp maintenant.

  4. ´´pouvez faire nimp maintenant´´ ...... vous m´avez appelé?!

    actualisé le text d´accueil et introduit le contenu adulte de ce blog.


    1. Sacré retour en arrière. Hey Lobster! 2008 called! they want their buffoon back! ;) Je sais bien que c'est par ma faute que tu jouis des droits admin mais je m'oppose formellement à ce highjacking du blog. C'est grossier, et ça na aucun gout. Zero

  5. Réponses
    1. Ahaha! I knew my comment would pique your attention... you're kinda predictable that way dude. The agent of chaos in me couldn't resist handing over the reigns to you lot. And so now is a critical time. And with great power comes great responsability. I guess we will soon find out how you exercise the latter to wield the former. ;) Just let us know when you start to get bored and decide to buy a wordpress tutorial instead of fucking around with an outdated blogger setup. Untill then, just keep on enjoying your mayhem. There is not a doubt in my body that you're getting your kicks out of this. hehe. Again glad to have you back shitbird. Zero

  6. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  7. This place looks different ....

    Buh bye

  8. mais mais..... mon rose! mon bandeau pour adulte! mes aïeux!

    1. sont toujours là fomble. le rose je ne l'ai que sur mobile en revanche, sur desktop ça flambe


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