18 avr. 2013

Happy Birthday Deute !

Hope you enjoyed those pancakes dude ! ;)

Now, if you're feeling like hitting a pint or two tonight, let it be known I'll be going for beers with Richie (McGill buddy) tonight. Don't know where yet but should be somewhere central and around happy hour.

Birthday rounds and birthday shots on the house !


19 commentaires:

  1. sounds awesome! not sure i can make it though, I'll let you know as the day unfolds.

    Mark (owner of the TGC) is in town, so if yuo go around the 6th there's a fair chance you run into Jenny and him.

  2. Je pensais justement me faire le TGC donc je garderai un oeil ouvert. A priori Deute se fait des Burritos sur le canal st martin avec Heather donc on tentera certainement de se rejoindre si possible.


  3. ok. Perso, je ne pense pas sortir ce soir (sauf contre-ordre express de iChacal)

  4. Cimer! Putain ca donne trop envie ta toph avec le sirop d'erable qui degouline comme ca.

    Finalement hier, mon RDV Aegis a durer bien plus lgtps que prevu du coup vu qu'il etait 17h jsuis allé terminer ma journee de taffe a la casa (les bons avantages d'etre commercial :))

    Et puis bah trop la flemme d'aller vers le canal, on s'est fait un petit bistro pres de place de Clichy.

    Et bien je pense qu'on a tous un peu le TGC dans nos tetes là. Hier soir j'ai envoyé une invite Fomble-bouc pour se retrouver Samedi pour des petits burgers Quai 21 et des TGC drinks.

    Zero quoi


  5. J'ai répondu "Duh" a l'invite. See you there quoi! Zero

  6. Tain ça donne faim. Pour samedi jpeux pas, hélas.


  7. Happy 420 !!

    La journée mondiale de la souflette!

    ... wake and bake zero quoi.


  8. zéro. je bake pas, mais j'ai mal à la tête.

  9. Holy fuck those tequila shots were a baaaaaaaad idea.

    ... 4 pukes already and I'm pretty sure I still have at least one left in me.


  10. ahah clair que c'était hard. had an awesome time though. juste dommage que montreal ce soit pris une correction ! zero

  11. ouais j'étais pas très frais ce matin, walking around Levallois in a migrainy daze looking for a metro station.

    cimer pour le canap'!


  12. awesome night out - a lot of fun.

    I had to puke and rally halfway through it, just to survive.

    @nelson: tu zap mec. did you see Marquez's victory?

    Man today is rough. O.

  13. What an awesome night, the great company, great burgers, great basketball all the way to our awesome VIP table watching the following bball game using my NBA pass because it wasn't on any cable channel. I couldn't written a better script for a birthday/420 night out.

    Yeah I think it was impossible not to puke those tequilla shots, I hadn't been that "alcohol-sick" in a looong time.

    First puke was at 4:30am and I barely made it to kitchen sink. Second one was at 5:30 and again I only make it to kitchen sink, and subconsciously I'm thinking "wait, didn't i just puke here why is everything all clean??". The answer is my amazing wife actually cleaned up my puke trail leading up to the kitchen plus the sink itself at 4:30 after the first round.... and after the second round as well. That makes it reason #1487 why Heather is the most amazing wife.

    At least I made it to the bathroom for all the following ones but pretty much couldn't move until 5pm litterally sucking on ice all day because anything else would just make me nauseous.

    That was a long ass recovery.

    Zero Cime Buen Chuce


  14. Clair ! Zero du lundi de merde

  15. Bah je fouterais bien un post bien debile avec une photo golri mais en aucun cas est ce que je vais détroné votre post "happy birhtday deute".

    Ca à vous de le faire :-)


    And it's over the hump day!!

  16. dass right! humpty dumpty wednesdy! zero


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