27 janv. 2015

RIP Shiva

Zolde Xeum, y'aura pas de Shivasquat pour le coup...She went peacefully with the help of her favourite vet a week ago. My mother was in England, I was in the Alps so she just gave up and stopped walking. She was suffering and it would've happened sooner than later but it hit us harder than we expected. Have a beer in memory of her, she liked beer.  

10 commentaires:

  1. RIP. Je bois une heineken a sa mémoire!

  2. Monde de merde! i fuckin loved that dog. And she loved me. The only real bitch I ever cared about. Damn. La salope est parti sans dire au revoir. The best one's always do mind you. cause to quote The Doors: "you love her as she's walking out the door." RIP Shiva baby. You deserve a million roulages de pelles. Zero ma belle.

  3. Et toutes mes condoleances Payz. My heart goes out the orgeval bunch.

  4. La chieuze se joint a notre tristesse et m'a avoué que desormais elle se considerait sans rival.

  5. Désolé Payz, je l'aimais bien ce chien aussi.

  6. dude that sucks.

    Some fond memories of her trying to frisbee with us just came up; other moment when we were fanning the flames of the BBQ and she became a dalmatian for being in the wind.

    Will def hoist onr or three in her name tonight.


  7. She was a wonderful dog and I surely shed a couple tears when I saw your post. Damn, those news always hit so hard.

    My thoughts go out to you my friend, it's always very hard to lose such an loving and important member of the family. I'll remember all the fun times we all had together, and I already know she's having fun chasing frisbees in dog heaven.

    Zero to you Shiva.

  8. I don't really know what to say. I'm sad and ever more so because it had been such a long time I hadn't seen her heartwarming smile. This wasn't unexpected so I feel some solace in that she's getting well deserved peace.

    I miss you already old 'gal and I feel fortunate for all the sweet memories even throughout your tougher years. Graceful, fun loving, fucking bitch - c'est clair, my goodbyes had unwittingly been said a while ago.

    There can always be a Shivasquat Payze :)

    Tonton Xeum

  9. Pat, Pat, Pat! Shiva, on s'est toujours kiffe, et ça me touche aussi beaucoup de savoir que t'es partie. Payz, je pense que tu te rappèleras de 'Shiva a Son Tonton, à Son Tonton!'. My best to you, brother. And RIP Shiva.

  10. Thanks guys, I'm sure she'd appreciate all this, and she's DEFINITELY in dog heaven playing frisbee while being patted and eating the cat's poo!


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