2 avr. 2012

Religion risk


15 commentaires:

  1. Ah ouais vous le kiffez pas du tout mon Religion Risk ...

  2. c tellement vrai n'empeche! Aztek God tellement blazé qu'il ne peut même plus regarder le plateau. ahahaha

  3. ton image est minuscule, même quand je clic dessus...

    donc je ne me prononce pas. balance un lien plutôt.


  4. Deute, FYI, j'ai bien reçu tes sms d'hier soir. Mais en vocal delivery et sur mon tel fixe du taf! Bref rassuré de savoir que c'est pas mon téléphone portable qu'est complètement à la masse ! ;-)


  5. Sorry for messing with the vibe again buuut :
    - In terms of population weight v3.0 (Islam) is kicking about everyone's ass (think Indonesia, India, China...)
    - In terms of devotion... v2.0 followers(Jesus freaks)probably don't hold a candle to Islam either (US fundamentalism nonwithstanding... it's still a SECULAR country like most "Christian" countries)

    => Newer (younger? sexier?) is more popular.
    => Science doesn't do spirituality right yet but I think "revelation" based ideologies have been getting their asses handed to them for some time now (think Guttenberg and the CERN [ie. the Interwebs])

    0 obscurantism unless I've rationalized it.

  6. i hear ya venerdo. science definitely doesnt do spirituality right. but you have to think of it this way though... if tomorrow the world burns and every scripture we've ever known about disappears entirely what are the chances any of those "revelation" based ideologies could emerge again as they were? Probably close to zero. on the other hand the chances all major scientific findings emerge again unchanged, rediscovered, and faithful to the original thing? MORE THAN FUCKIN LIKELY. take comfort in that!

  7. I totally disagree, I think fundamentalism is more pronounced in the states than anywhere else.

    Why? 'cause if you give a man a smartphone, access to information, two cars, education, and (probably most importantly) liberalized women, and that guy STILL believes the earth is 6000 years old, Moses was a 300 year old dude who spend 40 days on a boat with animals, and that Mary is a virgin, well, you're fucked.

    Whereas the recent uprising in culturally Islamic countries shows signs of an evolution in the right way.


  8. you may totally disagree however do allow me to point you to the fact Venerdo clearly stated "US fundamentalism nonwithstanding" soooooooooo.... looks to me like you're in agreement there kids. Hug hug kiss kiss. zero

  9. amusingly, I came back to this post thinking maybe Squeak had responded.


  10. Thanks Booze and Klob (add Ben and Jerry's for desert and we have a kickass meal going) for humoring me.

    J'aime tirer sur les ambulances qui à la base étaient une bonne blague.

    Zolde les gars, mais vu mon niveau de burnout à force de ne rien pouvoir faire de qualité, chaque occasion de poser mon opinion sur un truc qui me saoule se transforme en rant-attack.

    As long as I can play the in the Mormon team at the next 0-RISK-squat, I'll tone it down.


    P.S. : Bon, comment faire pour forcer Payze à péchau ses cadeaux d'anniv? (la réponse : "une prière" sera redevable d'une pénalité => Renflasse, make my day)

  11. aaah dude come one this is friendly banter here.

    And yes, j'adore tirer sur les ambulances.

    Mais pour citer mon père: "même les paranos ont des ennemis"


  12. ? c'était un remerciement sincère.

    Parano va! ;)


  13. ? c'était un remerciement sincère.

    Parano va! ;)


  14. ouais zolde j'suis un peu débordé là, j'me suis même fait une semaine de 13 jours...j'vous vois le 13 au Quai 21, j'ai pris mon vendredi aprem et un weekend digne de ce nom!



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