19 juin 2012

This belongs here

So of course i'm gonna leave this here. It's long but it's accurate. What is it ? Its a high quality full version of The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, a documentary detailing the history, the lobbys, and the legislation behind the war on drugs, and the war on marijuana in particuliar. It probably won't blow your mind but hey, at least it's a fresh post. Enjoy. Zero

6 commentaires:

  1. ça a l'air pas mal, j'vais r'garder ça p'tit à p'tit.

  2. pareil je me le matte par petit bout au taf. trop bon de se la couler douce au boulot. héhé

  3. total cadeau, l'apparition de Joe Rogan qui lance un "are you fucking kidding me?"

  4. "there are no deaths that can be attributed to marijuana".

    WRONG. All the driving accidents, or house fires started, because of it?

  5. J'ai maté 15minutes et j'ai du couper, ça a l'air pas mal fait.

  6. "WRONG. All the driving accidents, or house fires started, because of it?"

    That's ridiculous. But i know you're trolling. So there!


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