"In 1971, Juliane Koepcke, a quiet seventeen year-old high school senior on her way to visit her father, fell two miles out of the sky, without a parachute. When she somehow miraculously awoke she had a broken collarbone, a severe concussion, deep cuts in her arms and legs, and one of her eyes had been swollen shut like Stallone at the end of Rocky II. You know, the sort of injuries you'd expect from someone who just plummeted through a few thousand feet of freefall and splashed down in a goddamned rainforest.
She had no food, no tools, no gear, no powerbars, no means to make fire, no maps, and no compass. Shit, she only had one shoe, having lost the other one during that whole "careening through the atmosphere" thing, which I guess is understandable. It was just her and the wilderness, mano-e-womano...."
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je confirme notre présence pour samedi soir @ garches.
RépondreSupprimerQu'est ce qu'on apporte? a part les manettes Wii?
putain mettez vous bien. je manquerais pas la prochaine je vous préviens. Zero!
RépondreSupprimercool! comme d'hab au choix bouffe ou picole
RépondreSupprimerj'ai une bouteille de champ prévue et des bières, jpense que jvais pechau de pizzas
bon kiffe bonne teuf.
RépondreSupprimerbande de shales!
RépondreSupprimerok, compte sur nous pour de la picole (vin & champagne je pense)