2 juil. 2013


4 commentaires:

  1. amusingly, your bother send me the same video today.

    pretty amazing though

  2. le temps du précédent record holder correspondant a du 122km/h de MOYENNE... déjà quand tu vois les épingles à cheveux et le dévnivellé de tu te dis "holy fuck" puis loeb arrive et passe tranquillement la ligne d'arrivée avec une vitesse MOYENNE de 145km/h !!! zero quoi

  3. wait wait wait... it's awesome, yes, but I gotta step in with a little "caveat emptor".

    that road has been totally redone recently, you have to realize the previous record was done on a different surface, a lot of the sequences were pure dirt (way more slippery, less acceleration power, etc), especially on the "dangerous" parts - this means that where previous runners had to go slow there, Loeb can zip past as fast as his car can take him through it.

    Lastly, his car has full body aero, which wasn't the case of previous runners.

    it's still really impressive though. and I am way pissed at red bull that the altitude reader doesn't take into account the real variations, it's just a flat counter going up incrementaly. noobs.

    zéro. I watched it three times already.

  4. UH... I'm gonna step in here ...
    previous records were held by tajima (9min51sec) in his suzuki
    and then last yaer by Rhys Millen (9min46) in his hyundai
    Both were obscenely modified cars, but tajima had a portion of bad asphalt/dirt roughly from minut to to 4:30 of his climb(but not in the "dangerous parts" those have been modified a while back.) and Millen had a little bit of humidity/rain towards the end.
    However, Millen tried again this year, again on full asphalt, and this time not a drop of rain: he could do no better than 9min02 - 49 seconds... in your face!


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