31 déc. 2012

2T & H2’s Amsterdam Xmas Weekend - Part 2: The return of Malevitch on U.Z.I. & an awesome bike ride

In the nick of time! I wasn’t going to let 2012 run out without following up on the much promised Part 2 of the Amsterdam Xmas debrief. It’s also the post that ties the second highest yearly total of 129 posts in 2006. Now we’re talking!

On Saturday, we figured we’d finish up the Xmas shopping and go to the Stedelijk museum. Of course, I wanted to spize things up a little bit, being in Dam and all. I found this little “bonbon” at a coffeeshop:

Too bad you can’t see it when you zoom in on the picture but in very small print it reads “full effect after two hours”. So I thought to myself: “Sounds perfect, by that time I’ll be in the middle of the museum”. Usually, I’m not a big fan of weed food, because the taste is usually too weird but this bonbon was delicious, all chocolate taste no weird weed flavor. Anyways, we eat, smoke n’ go and off we were to the museum.
I was quite pleased from my education on Malevitch thanks to U.Z.I. and was able to see a bunch of his art:

Even a little Picasso:

Et sinon j’ai aussi bien tripé sur celui-là de Constant:

A la fin y avait des trucs bien gore comme ça :

Mais sinon, l’histoire la plus golri qui m’est arrivé c’est quand le bonbon a fait son full effect en plein milieu du musée. J’ai commencé a vraiment bien tripé sur quelques tableaux dont celui de Constant et puis ca m’a frappé d’un bon coup et je me suis dit : « Bon, la, jvais me poser 30 secondes laisser passer le truc ».  Dans la plupart des pieces du musée y un banc au milieu de la salle. Seulement dans celle où j’étais il n’était pas en bois le banc mais en métal. Je ne me pose pas trop de questions … étant en grosse montée de weed bonbon … et je m’assois. Et là, j’entends un petit bruit de metal qui se plie un peu, et donc je me penche un peu sur le côté et je vois un panneau sur la base du banc « please don’t touch » … Euuuhhhh…… Well, actually, I’m fucking sitting on this bench, that’s a little more than touching it. Je me lève immédiatement, trop la honte mais je vois pas trop de monde en train de mater donc je trace dans l’autre salle je retrouve H2 et je lui chuchotte : « I just sat on art, i think the bonbon hit me pretty hard » et là je suis mort de rire. Ahahaha what a fucking good bonbon.

On our last day we were planning on maybe going to watch the Hobbit (our train wasn’t until 7pm), but we opted for something a lot more fun instead: renting bicycles!!

We first went straight to Vondelpark and Museumplein to get the classic IAMSTERDAM picture (you can see our 2 little red bikes on the right):

Then we biked all around places away from the center where we never usually walk around:

We even found the Barney’s (one of the best coffees) as a bonus just by getting lost riding around the canals. It just was an awesome day to bike around and make little pit stops for munchies such as this one:

We ended our little tour back in Vondelpark for our last smoke before we returned the bikes, got our stuff and started heading for the train station. Of course, it was a blunt, and I think you can tell by this picture that I timed it pretty perfectly:

It was such a great trip, I can’t wait to back there next year for the third edition of 2T-H2’s Amsterdam Xmas Weekend!

Et je peux vous garantir que je zappais trop aps :

Bonne année les fombles !

2 commentaires:

  1. haha, trop bon la fuerance à retardement, en plus quand t'en bouffe ça te scotch vraiment. Par contre j'aurais vraiment badé devant du Malevitch.

  2. Excellent debrief, excellente ville, et excellente tofs! On regrettera juste le Dam HO 2013 qui n'aura pas été. ;-)


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