15 mars 2011

Barney Stinson he?

ca c'est pour le barney stinson du zerozapping, c'est cadeau.

11 commentaires:

  1. the size of this post is legendary.

  2. et il est ou le "wait for it"???

  3. dude, zerozaping waits for no man, not even barney stinson.

  4. umm... that would be zerozapping with two P's por favor

  5. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  6. kif le commentaire supprimé.

    says who? wikipedia?

  7. its zerozap and not zerozape, therefore two P's are necessary to keep the "clap" "map" "tap" "rap" sound to it.

    Consider the difference between :

    - Rapping is a primary ingredient in hip hop music


    - Raping is a primary ingredient in hip hop music


  8. Wait a minute.

    Raping IS NOT a primary ingredient in hip hop music ??

    I'm sure there are quite a few songs out there that say differently :P

  9. autopenalisation pour reponse plus que tardive!
    Totally d'accord avec l'analyse de boozer - ce qui me fait penser a un poeme d'Edgar Poe: the raven
    "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door."
    case and point.


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