19 avr. 2011


I seriously doubt this will go down without a fight but we should definitely keep on eye on this:

The Canadian government has 90 says to reform its marijuana laws before growing, possessing or smoking pot becomes legal.


19 commentaires:

  1. but but....dude...

    what is squeak gonna say?

    squeak? a comment from our parano bro?

  2. Easy : Hell's Angels tear the shit out of any coffe shop trying to take their turff.
    Not gonna happen, even if Canadians agree, unless the army does the protecting in and the government hires as many low level ex-dealers as possible.

    Pfffff.... Conservatives and drugs = Al Capone wonderland

    Not parano, just educated, and pissed off that science and history have debunked the prohibition stance for ages yet politicos keep touting it as some moral all you can eat.
    Especially, I'm out of green sizzleen and Boston (basketball people...) caught game 1 by the pubes on their shriveled nads.


  3. OK, I'm parano but I've been to Poissy's prison and sewn up about a dozen prisoners (and did I mention drunk cops?...) and let's just say France has rarely been ahead of the curve when it comes to policing humanely.

  4. Harper sucks serious ass... oh and speaking of policing humanely do watch that till the end. That's just good PO-lice... fuckin Mc Nulty.

  5. Juste trop fort...
    Putain de moralité à géométrie variable... that cop gets a fucking medal in my book.
    In the words of the esteemed Jimmy McN : "Fuck yes. Natural police"

  6. All I have to say is :

    "The game's out there, either play or get played. It's that simple." Omar

    But I prefer learning from guys like Freamon, Jimmy could always learn a thing or two from him:

    "A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come."


  7. t'as rien compris Cap'tain, voilà de l'info vraiment intéressante:



  8. Eh pays ils prévoient 25 samedi. Ça te dit de refaire un bbq?

  9. Bah c prevu je crois. En tout cas moi je lai prévu dans mes plans du weekend. Y a ecrit:

    Samedi: barbeuk Payz - acheter chipos ou cotes d'agneau. Buens


  10. plutot dimanche si possible le bbq. samedi je dois aller chez crawford pour l'aider à configurer son wifi sur sa PS3 puis ensuite ya la soirée de retour d'Ivancito chez sa soeur à bastille. bref je suis booké. shit

  11. plutôt lundi si possible le BBQ. je suis booké aussi. merde.

  12. ivancito reviens en france? for good?
    naaaaaaaaaaaaan! j'y crois pas!

  13. PS: en passant today is 4/20. just sayin

  14. ouais y'a bbq de prévu, franchement j'préfère Samedi puisque Dimanche c'est mon seul jour de repos et j'ai toujours une chiée de trucs à faire, comme aller voir Jean-Yves. J'essaierai de quitter le taf vers 16h pour qu'on profite du soleil. ça vous va 17h?


  15. ah et si tu vas faire des courses Deute...;)

  16. 17 c'est buen, on peut incruster un ami jap?


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