6 avr. 2011

Tout est dans le libellé

8 commentaires:

  1. ton libellé est hautement pénalisable!

    what's next, cat pictures?
    oh and speaking of, if you take this seriously and post cat pictures I might just leave the blog entirely.

    I'm about to ask google for "asian fail" pictures, my equivalent of your dog pictures.

  2. hmmm my libellé was actually a tongue in cheak reference to your highly penalizable détournement du libéllé sur ton poste précédent.

    So as we used to say in kindergarten:

    I'm rubber your glue, whatever you penalize me with bounces off me and sticks to you!


  3. *you're glue

    eat that grammar nazis

  4. ha ha ca vaut totalement un "commentaire supprimé - ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur" ca!!!

    speaking of, I call SHOTGUN on ALL the edited comments when we tally for the UZIwards, god knows I do enough of 'em :)

  5. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  6. this message has been brough to you by the canine broadcasting network

    in tandem with ubu productions.

    sit ubu, sit.

    good dog.

    Nelson a la porte Monfortitude save vs. DC 15

  7. Jesus Nelson. What the fuck goes on in that head of yours no one knows

  8. Nelly Nell : KEEP 'EM COMIN'

    Blog etiquette'wise, you could rattle off a good "Bouge" or any decent replacement.
    Why don't I expect you to even remotely follow that...

    En tout cas, kif

    Sauf la tof qu'est meh... mais une bonne cartouche à "Fomble!"


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